Your career at argon film

Argon Verlag AVE GmbH, currently with 55 employees and headquartered in Berlin Kreuzberg, sees itself as a media house of the Holtzbrinck Publishing Group and unites under its roof the renowned and highly successful audiobook publisher argon hörbuch, the film production company argon film, the podcast division argon podcast and the speakers agency argon speakers.

At argon hörbuch you will find a wide range of audio books in all genres by renowned authors and popular speakers. The argon film division successfully produces documentaries and films for public broadcasters. The argon podcast division develops podcasts on a wide range of topics and across various genres, and also sees itself as a new way of exploiting the diverse material in-house. And last but not least, there is the argon speakers division, which arranges for well-known authors and personalities, especially from the publishing environment, to give talks in the areas of culture and business.

Our job offers

Alternative job offers at argon or Holtzbrinck can be found here:

Jobs at argon